Friday, January 21, 2011

ForexSQ Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

Description of Service
ForexSQ is an international and independent organization that provides forex related services and support to register as clients with ForexSQ to utilize the services of ForexSQ. ForexSQ handles the requests of its clients through website By accessing this website and using the services provided by ForexSQ, you are bounded legally by the terms and conditions of this site. The terms and conditions of this site state that ForexSQ reserves all right to modify or discontinue its service temporarily or permanently with or without any prior notice and at any time. The act of modifying, suspending or discontinuing the services will not result in any type of liability to you.

Proper Use
Registering with the service you agree to the fact that you will be responsible for your communication and any results thereof. If you are using the service then it means you have accepted and comply with the agreement. You are using the service then it means you have agreed to follow all rules, laws and regulations existing at local, state, national or international level. These rules, laws and regulations may be about transferring of technical data from your home country. If you are using this service then you have also agreed not to authorize or involve any third party. Any third party should not be involved in any of the following activities.

• Use the ForexSQ service to upload or transmit any data that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, fraudulent, abusive, and obscene or contain viruses that is objectionable by ForexSQ.
• Submitting of title and description to ForexSQ that is different from the title and description of the website where you submit the data.
• Use of the service provided by ForexSQ for any fraudulent act or for an inappropriate purpose that may violate the updated program policies may result in urgent termination of the agreement. Violation of updated program policies may not only result in urgent termination of the agreement but may also subject you to the penalties imposed at state and federal level. ForexSQ reserves all rights but cannot be held responsible to investigate your account and find out if your use of service has violated the agreement or you comply with any rules, regulation and laws. Your use of service should also not violate any legal process or any other type of governmental request.

Use the description of your own that is different from source link and submit useful stories but don’t find a way to advertise your site because if ForexSQ found any user guilty of spamming or advertising then that user will be blocked.

Duplicate Stories: Before submitting any story, be careful that it is not a duplicate. Vote up and down stories and comment in stories as quality content come up to first page.

If any third party is found to be involved in any of the above mentioned activities on behalf of a registered user of ForexSQ then it may result in immediate termination of the registered account with or without any prior notice.

Intellectual Property Rights
Your use of the service provided by ForexSQ does not guarantee your ownership in any of the content including data, information, text, images, music files, sound files, video or any other material that you have uploaded, transmitted or stored in your ForexSQ account. ForexSQ will use your content only to provide you the service.

Representation and Warranties
By registering with ForexSQ and providing the documents required to complete your registration, you agree that all the information that you provided to ForexSQ is correct and latest. Providing this information to register with ForexSQ, you also agree that you have the required power, rights and authority to enter into the ForexSQ agreement and perform the acts that you are required to perform in ForexSQ.

Risk Disclosure
Analyzing your financial situation, you should decide whether you should start forex trading or not. Rates of currencies can go down or rise higher any day, any hour, any minute so you should risk only that much which you can afford to loose. Don’t open a position that can take off your shirt and if you do so then you will be responsible for the result. Analyzing your capability, you should decide whether you should do the trading part or you should hire someone else to do the trading job. You must have heard about the high leverage feature of Forex trading but if market goes down then this feature can go against you and no one else will be responsible for it. Use high leverage feature up to that extent only that you can afford to loose.