Friday, December 11, 2015

The Best Forex Managed Account Service

To open Forex account by Fxstay team simply choose your account type from our list below and Contact Fxstay to open managed Forex account and managed by top experienced money managers.

There is no need you know Forex or stock trading to use our Forex managed account service as our professional traders managed your account instead of you.

For VIP managed Forex accounts we use dedicate teams include successful international trades to managed your account with safe risk.

Mini Forex Managed Account

Start From: 1K$ [1000.00 $]
Risk Level : High Risk
Segregated Account : Yes
Strategy : Double Fast Strategy
Performance Fee: 50%-50% [50% investor-50% Trader]
Net Revenue Per Month : 80%

Retail Forex Managed Account

Start From: 10K$ [10000.00 $]
Risk Level : Medium Risk
Segregated Account : Yes
Strategy : Conservative Strategy
Performance Fee: 50%-50% [50% investor-50% Trader]
Net Revenue Per Year For Investor After Reduce Our Share : +80%

Standard Forex Managed Account

Start From: 100K$ [100.000.00 $]
Risk Level : Safe Risk
Segregated Account : Yes
Strategy : Conservative Strategy
Performance Fee: 50%-50% [50% investor-50% Trader]
Net Revenue Per Year For Investor After Reduce Our Share : +100%

Trading safely on big investments is our specialty, Open your account with the best Forex managed accounts Service by Fxstay Team

VIP Forex Managed Account

Start From: 1000K$ [ $]
Risk Level : Super Safe Risk
Segregated Account : Yes
Strategy : Moderate Strategy
Performance Fee: 50%-50% [50% investor-50% Trader]
Net Revenue Per Year For Investor After Reduce Our Share : +100%

Gold VIP Forex Managed Account

Start From: 10000K$ [ $]
Risk Level : Super Safe Risk
Segregated Account : Yes
Strategy : Dynamic Strategy
Performance Fee: 50%-50% [50% investor-50% Trader]
Net Revenue Per Year For Investor After Reduce Our Share : +100%

Best Performing Forex Managed Accounts

$20 Million Dollars Profit In 14 Month On A Gold VIP Forex Account,This Account Started With $10 Million Dollars And Managed By Fxstay Team, Balance Is Now $30 Million Dollars, All Screen Shots Are From One Fx Account Managed In 2 Years, Check Out Below:
Forex Managed AccountStatement
Fxstay Managed Account Statement Started By 10 Million dollars

Forex Managed Account History
Fxstay Managed Account Statement Increase To 30 Million dollars

Forex Managed Account Million dollars Statement
Fxstay Managed Account Statement Increase To 35 Million dollars

Important Notice How To Open Forex Account
All the the funds stay in the clients name/own accounts and all accounts have withdrawal protection, means each withdrawal must confirm by the investor first and no withdrawal process to third party except investors bank account.
Collaborate Stocks Or Bonds To Open Forex Account
Fxstay Team also can collaborate your Bonds, Bank Guarantee or Stocks in the banks to open Forex account without invest any cash. you must have minimum 1 million U.S dollar of Stocks, Bonds or Bank Guarantee to open managed Forex account and earn extra profit without invest any money.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

About ForexSQ The Biggest Forex Portal

ForexSQ aims to open a simple entry point for all those people willing to earn money through Stocks, Oil, Gold, Forex trading, Spread Betting, CFD Trading and Binary Options. ForexSQ can prove to be a best resource for you to do currency trading if you wish to earn profit by selling and purchasing of currencies. Our site commits to bring latest and hot news of Forex Market to you so that you always are the gainer. Latest Stocks, Oil, Gold, Financial and Forex news is published on our site from all other Economy and Forex sites and easily accessible to all the visitors and if your content is strong enough that can help the Forex traders then you can publish your content on our website under your name. To provide our users with latest forex news and trading advices is most important for us. You can expert a perfect forex advice from ForexSQ. You can find technical analysis charts and price alerter. ForexSQ is ready with all the tools to serve you in order to make you eligible to earn profit.
The main problem of majority of the forex traders is that they have lost their money because of trading with high risk and this is the reason we have gained advantage over others because ForexSQ never encourages for trading with high risk. Our site always advice our traders to do forex trading with safe risk or least risk. Our site has never advised our users to open that may end up their money. The chance of winning is more for our users as compared to the traders using the services of other sites. So trade with us, help us to know the amount that you can take risk of and we will help you bringing better trading opportunities to you.
If you are new to Forex trading, then ForexSQ is the best place to learn basics. ForexSQ provides its users the tips and tutorials to make them perfect in Forex trading. ForexSQ do not guarantee all your trades to go in profit but the aim of ForexSQ is to serve you in such a way that maximum of your trades will close at profit side. Regular users of ForexSQ can find our site as the best solution for forex trading and so wise traders should not wait anymore to register with us.
Write your comments about our site as we always want to improve our site and enhance our services so your feedback is important to us. Our users have helped us a lot to improve our services and reach this stage. Give us your honest reviews and help us to bring more profit earning opportunities to you.

Forex Partnership Witht ForexSQ

ForexSQ is known for providing currency trading services to its clients. ForexSQ is committed to provide the latest and news of the Forex market to its clients. Continuous growth of the ForexSQ has made it possible to provide these services to its clients and the partners of ForexSQ are responsible for its continuous growth. Every partner of ours is a jewel for us and you too can join this list. You too can become our partner just by telling a little about yourself.
Eligibility for Partnership
There is no specific eligibility for the partners and there are no legal procedures also. Everyone who has a financial site or blog can become our partner. A blog or site is only needed to write forex news. You must also not get disappointed if you don’t own a site or blog because starting blogs or site is not a tough task nowadays. You can start a blog with blogger or other sites without paying a cent and start writing forex news in forexsq under your brand and put our buttons and badges in your site or blog. There is also no maximum or minimum tenure for the partners but remember posting forex news does not mean that you have got the right to spam because if we find you spamming then we will terminate your partnership that moment.
How you can help us to promote our site?
You can send us your story to publish on ForexSQ that will help our readers to know more about the Forex . You can send us your story and no matter if you have been an average trader, above average trader or a below average trader but your story will do well at our site. If you have been a hero of the Forex market and earned thousands of dollars y doing currency trading then your experiences will tell our readers what to do to earn money by doing the currency trading. If your experiences have not been good in the currency trading then also your story will help our readers to know that what they should not do to avoid losses.
By partnering with us, you can also suggest us the ways we can improve ForexSQ and make it more useful for you as well as all the clients. If this is your first visit on our site then you can tell us your opinion and vote on our site. You can write the comments on the services provided by our site. Your comments will help us to enhance the services provided by us.
You can also put our banners , buttons , badgets  in your website or weblog from our Publisher Tools part and provide your visitors fresh news . 
How we can help you in return?
In turn we will also help you as much as we can to increase your profit level and save you from losses. If you are an expert we will give you more technical advices that you will be able to understand and act upon and if you are the beginner then we will help you a lot to master basic of Forex market and do safe trading. To the beginners, we provide tips and tutorials and to the experts we bring the analysis of good technical indicators and the latest Forex market news. Some more important questions with answers which anyone like to know before being a partner of someone.
Don’t take a different meaning of our Forex partnership as we will not be sharing our revenues with you. We don't provide any monetary benefits, but once you write good news in forexsq, we will send good amount of traffic to you and when you put our buttons in your site or blog then it means you are helping the visitors to reach fresh forex and financial news source.
We are also offering a special benefit to our partners. Our partners by writing and submit financial articles and forex news regularly will become active and once they become active, we give them special category or section to drive traffic to their site so this will be the special benefit.
Join hands with us and help us to reach to more people
If you have been a partner on our site for sometime and started liking our site then ask your friends, relatives or other contacts also to join our site. Tell them about the currency trading, the profit they can earn from the currency trading and the benefits that they may enjoy by joining us. Your word of mouth publicity to your contacts will not only help them to earn profit but will also help our site to grow.

FAQ Of ForexSQ

1-What is ForexSQ ?
An online place that the traders can use to discover and share the financial content on the web is ForexSQ. ForexSQ has received maximum votes for providing the most valuable trading stuff to the members of ForexSQ. There are no editors hired at ForexSQ but the users are the editors who value the content.
2-How can I submit my story to ForexSQ?
This is a very simple process. Open ForexSQ and click the button “Submit a New Story” which is located at the top side of the page. Enter the URL and click on the “Continue” to move to the next page. On the next page, write the content in the body section, write some words about the link and write a unique title of your story. You may also add keywords you may want to use and choose the category that is most suitable to your story. After all the fields are filled up, click on the “Preview” and check if the story looks like you wanted it to be and if it looks exactly as according to your requirements then click the “Submit” button and your story is submitted to ForexSQ.
3-Can I access ForexSQ through my mobile?
Yes, access to ForexSQ is possible through mobile also.
4-What is the Top News in ForexSQ?
The top news in ForexSQ is the popular web content voted by the users of ForexSQ. The top news will include the trusted news from small publishers.
5-How can I search and follow more users of ForexSQ, after the first log in?
Go to your profile page and in the left side of the page locate the “Search People” link and click it. There is no limitation to how many users you can follow and you can also unfollow the users you have followed. The reasons of unfollowing the users may be that you are not interested in the users anymore.
6-How can I follow a user of ForexSQ?
It is very simple. Open the ForexSQ’s profile of the user you want to follow and find a green icon in the top right corner of the page next to the user name. Click the green icon you have located just and your task is done. If you want to unfollow the user you have followed, click the same green icon again and your task is done.
7-How can a profile image be edited and deleted?
It is very simple. First login to ForexSQ to do profile changes because profile changes can be done only after you are inside your account. After you have logged in, go to profile page, you can delete and upload a new image in this page.
8-Can a same person create more than one account on ForexSQ ?
You can maintain multiple accounts for different purposes but don’t use the same content in more than one account because that will be against our community.
9-I have seen an offensive comment, how can I complaint about it?
A comment voted down gets buried and when the comment reaches the sufficient burries, we take it for review. You can contact us telling the URL of a direct comment and we will look at it.
10-How to edit a story that I have already submitted?
You cannot edit a story because we have reserved this permission with us. Only we can edit a story so tell us the URL of your ForexSQ story if you are the original submitter and also tell us the changes you want to make such as the title, category and description of the updated story. It is just to ensure that the stories are edited correctly and only at the request of the responsible submitter.
11-Can I submit a story if there is no relevant topic for it or how will the problem of topic be managed?
You can submit your story by selecting a topic that is closest to your story.
12-How can I put a ForexSQ button my site?
Just check our Publisher tools for the required information.
13-Is the submission of a duplicate story permitted on ForexSQ?
Sorry, the duplicate stories are not permitted so please submit fresh stories. If there are similar stories coming to us from different sources then we will leave this to our users to decide if the story is a duplicate or a fresh perspective is offered in the story.
14-What to do to bury a story?
Read the story then read the description and you will see a word “Bury” under the description. Click this word “Bury” and your task is done. Once you have clicked the word “bury” in a story then you will be able to comment or share your opinions in the story but you will not be able to unbury it later so be judicious before you bury a story.
15-What can I do if I have a question that is not list on your FAQ page?
We have listed most common questions on our FAQ page and it can never be possible that we list those questions also that may enter any brain in future. If you have a question that is not listed on our FAQ page then the simple way to get the answer to your question is ask us and we answer your question as soon as possible. Asking of questions is free so don’t hesitate and get your problems resolved.
16-I want to report a bug, abuse or a problem, how can I do it?
If a bug, abuse or a problem comes to your eyes the please Contact Us and let us know the problem. We will respond to it quickly.

Forex Advertisement on ForexSQ

Forex Advertising on ForexSQ

B - 468x 60 Non Animated Banner - Top Of Stories - $3000 Per Month
C - 468x 60 Non Animated Banner - Between Stories - $2500 Per Month
D - 125 x 125 Square Button - Sidebar - Sold Out
E - 250 x 250 Square Banners - Sidebar Right - $2000 Per Month
F - 234 x 60 Half Banners at Footer + Submit Forex news and articles to cost $60000 U.S Dollar Per Year, You will allow to submit Unlimited articles or news about your Forex broker or Website per year reserves the right to Accept or Reject advertising orders

We take payment up-front for all ads, No-refund

If the position is not available you can book it and your ad will show up on next available time

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Submit Forex Guest posts to ForexSQ

To Submit your financial and Forex guest posts to you must have quality financial website or blog and then Contact Us , We will review your request and if you are eligible to submit forex guest posts you will receive email soon.

WHAT We EXPECT From You As Writer :

Unique and Original article write just for ForexSQ and you did not, do not and will not submit the article you send to ForexSQ to other sites.Write a post with insanely useful content. Always ask: ‘How can readers benefit from this?’
An interesting headline and Description
Perfect English grammar and spelling
Minimum 800 words per article and its better around 1500 words and more
provide at least one royalty-free photo or graphic
Have an author bio at the end (about 40 words). You can link to your blog . Please send us the links and we will add them. A sample author bio is: Jack Henry is a writing coach and blogs at, a blog about bold and fearless writing.

Write About ForexSQ on Your Blog

Before Contact Us for forex guest post about your blog on ForexSQ please write an article about and describe your visitors in a full article what is ForexSQ, please attach our logo above in your article and use some screen shots from homepage of For your inspiration see About ForexSQ.
In the article you write about ForexSQ on your blog link to internal pages of  ForexSQ that relevant to your blog and introduce ForexSQ Social Media accounts,  Check links below:

Example of Internal pages:

ForexSQ Social Media Accounts:

How To Send Us Forex Guest Post

Please send an email to the Support[at]forexsq[dot]com. Start the Subject line with GUEST POST (in ALL CAPS)...So for forex guest post please send us :

  •    Tell us briefly who you are include your blog URL.
  •    State the title of your proposed post.
  •    Tell us how ForexSQ readers would benefit from your post.
  •    Add a couple of links to your best financial or Forex posts.

ForexSQ aims to open a simple entry point for all those people willing to earn money through Stocks, Oil, Gold, Spread Betting, CFD Trading, Binary Options and Forex Trading News. ForexSQ can prove to be a best resource for you to do currency trading if you wish to earn profit by selling and purchasing of currencies. Our site commits to bring latest and hot news of Forex Market to you so that you always are the gainer. Latest Stocks, Oil, Gold, Financial and Forex news is published on our site from all other Economy and Forex sites and easily accessible to all the visitors and if your content is strong enough that can help the Forex traders then you can publish your content on our website under your name. To provide our users with latest forex news and trading advices is most important for us. You can expert a perfect forex advice from ForexSQ. You can find technical analysis charts and price alerter. ForexSQ is ready with all the tools to serve you in order to make you eligible to earn profit.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Forex Trading News by ForexSQ

Forex News aims to open a simple entry point for all those people willing to earn money through Stocks, Oil, Gold, Spread Betting, CFD Trading, Binary Options and Forex Trading. ForexSQ can prove to be a best resource for you to do currency trading if you wish to earn profit by selling and purchasing of currencies. Our site commits to bring latest and hot news of Forex Market to you so that you always are the gainer. Latest Stocks, Oil, Gold, Financial and Forex news is published on our site from all other Economy and Forex sites and easily accessible to all the visitors and if your content is strong enough that can help the Forex traders then you can publish your content on our website under your name. To provide our users with latest forex news and trading advices is most important for us. You can expert a perfect forex advice from ForexSQ. You can find technical analysis charts and price alerter. ForexSQ is ready with all the tools to serve you in order to make you eligible to earn profit.

The main problem of majority of the forex traders is that they have lost their money because of trading with high risk and this is the reason we have gained advantage over others because ForexSQ never encourages for trading with high risk. Our site always advice our traders to do forex trading with safe risk or least risk. Our site has never advised our users to open that may end up their money. The chance of winning is more for our users as compared to the traders using the services of other sites. So trade with us, help us to know the amount that you can take risk of and we will help you bringing better trading opportunities to you.
If you are new to Forex trading, then ForexSQ is the best place to learn basics. ForexSQ provides its users the tips and tutorials to make them perfect in Forex trading. ForexSQ do not guarantee all your trades to go in profit but the aim of ForexSQ is to serve you in such a way that maximum of your trades will close at profit side. Regular users of ForexSQ can find our site as the best solution for forex trading and so wise traders should not wait anymore to register with us.
Write your comments about our site as we always want to improve our site and enhance our services so your feedback is important to us. Our users have helped us a lot to improve our services and reach this stage. Give us your honest reviews and help us to bring more profit earning opportunities to you.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ForexSQ Publisher tools

ForexSQ Publisher tools

Share and LikeCopy this code to your website
ButtonsCopy this code to your website
BadgesCopy this code to your website